the blue butterfly
I have always loved butterflies! Through all of my years of doing photography, some may notice, I incorporate a little butterfly into my business logos which I believe brings out a little piece of myself with every photo I take . . . my own little trademark captured, a stamp of the copyright of satisfaction, and approval for the work I have done.
Because of the beauty, a blue butterfly is often thought to have special meaning and symbolism for those lucky enough to find one.
I am not sure how to express this exactly but for some reason, I have always felt as though there has been a little blue butterfly imprinted upon the heart of my spirit. Possibly God’s little trademark and stamp of copyright upon me, perhaps? What an awesome thought if it really is true. I wonder if any of you happen to feel something similar and if so, what does your little spirit seal of God’s stamp looks like? Does anyone share a butterfly too?
I wonder if I will ever actually see a blue butterfly around where I live, yet be able to capture one with my camera lens? I would be excited if I had the chance. I would treasure the moment and lose myself in admiration of the tiny wonder of God’s precious little creation. I never stop looking for them – those blue butterflies! I believe I use to see them when I was a small child growing up in the country. I seem to recall fields of tall flowers around our home that I would run and play in, with these butterflies fluttering all around me. Could it be that we had the Northern Blue Butterflies there? I wish I could remember clearly. Possibly it was only in my dreams.
A blue butterfly is simply one breathtaking example of our majesty’s finest works. Simply elegant and beautiful, so very delightful, so full of grace, so free.
Butterflies, in general, seem to have secret meanings within different cultures, with the most common being symbols for life, love, change or rebirth. Butterflies are also popularly thought to symbolize a person’s essence, or soul, either past, present or future, which sure seems to sit right with me. The color blue in a butterfly is often thought to symbolize joy, color or a change in luck. Sometimes a blue butterfly is viewed as a wish granter. I like that thought.
Butterflies of all colors—not just blue—often evoke emotions of beauty, freedom, a change of season, joy, femininity, nature and earth elements.
Butterflies can also be viewed as a Christian symbol of the resurrection and rebirth of Jesus Christ. Many Christian churches utilize the symbol of transformation from human life to everlasting life. Blue butterflies are used not only for their beauty but also to convey the emotions of beauty, joy, and hope. Butterflies are sometimes released at special Christian services, such as weddings or funerals, to commemorate a transformation.
I claim this for myself today and thought to share it publicly on behalf of my own personal faith to convey my emotions of joy and hope. I believe the little blue butterfly that is imprinted upon the heart of my spirit is truly there representing God’s love for me. That I am truly His and He is pleased. I have His stamp of approval, and all of this journey which we call life is part of a true transformation of the place He is calling me to be. He has captured me. - Lisa Timm